4th Fridays at Shameless are ENM Nights!
(formerly lifestyle couples night)
ENM (Ethical Non-Monogamy) comes in lots of forms, with lots of names/labels… Swinging, Polyamory, Open Marriages, etc. It doesn’t matter what you call yourself, how you identify, or what your relationship style or status is. If you’re Ethically Non-Monogamous, we’ve got a special night for TICKETHOLDERS on the 4th Friday of every month.
We’ve got SEXY MUSIC!
We’ve got TASTY FOOD!
And we’ve got some fun ice-breakers and games to help with the meeting and greeting.
Wait… what? Is this a swingers party? This is a social meet-and-greet for anyone interested in, or practicing, Ethical Non-Monogamy. That includes swingers, the polyamorous, those in open marriages, and non-monogamous folks of all varieties, plus those who are just curious and want to test the waters. So it’s not a “full-on” swinger-style sex party – there is no full-frontal nudity and no sex at this mixer (we have a liquor license we want to hang on to) but there is lots of opportunity for fun, to meet new people, to hang out with your friends and friends-to-be, and to possibly find new sexy partners. And while you can’t play here, you can certainly meet somebody, and where you go from here is up to you.
When/Where? Almost every fourth Friday, from 6-10pm, at Shameless Grounds! (See our Location Page for map and directions.)
What’s the Cost? $15 per Couple, $7.50 per Single Woman/ENBY Person, and $25 for Single Men. Tickets available at https://shamelessgrounds.square.site
What’s the dress code? Because we have a liquor license in the City of St. Louis, we *cannot* allow nudity. So the dress code is “upscale casual and/or sexy”. Look nice, or look sexy. Or both. Most months, everyone spends the evening on our patio, so dress for the weather.
Any other Rules? Yep, but only a few more.
- Don’t be pushy. No means no – it doesn’t mean “keep trying”, or “ask again later.” Learn to say ‘no’, and to accept ‘no’, with grace. If you can’t, you’ll be shown the door.
- Don’t get silly-stupid drunk. We’re here to have fun, and if you’re a sloppy, slurring, stumbling mess, you’re screwing up the night for everybody. Tipsy is fine; hammered is not, so don’t get there. If you get sloppy drunk, we’re going to call you a cab, and give you the boot.
We’re new / We’re nervous / Will we fit in? First, just relax and be yourself. Nobody is going to try and make you do anything you don’t want to. You’re going to find that this is just a fun party with lots of flirtatious overtones. The ENM Lifestyle has people of all ages, races, shapes, sizes, and backgrounds. Not too long ago, it was mainly focused on Swinging, and looked upon as a middle-class white person thang. That’s changed a lot. There’s a new diversity, new relationship styles, and new folks of all sorts. It’s pretty darn likely that you’ll find people you like, to talk to and hang out with. One of the cool things about those who are into ENM, is that they come from all walks of life. You may be talking to a bank teller, an auto mechanic, a dental hygienist, or a military officer.
I don’t like this idea. This is freaky and weird. If the idea freaks you out, if you think it’s wrong, or dirty, or shameful, well, that’s totally fine. Don’t do it. But if it puts a little tingle in your pants, and it sounds like perfectly nice, naughty fun… then as Nike says: Just do it.